Objectives and targets

Clear and ambitious policy goals enable OVAM to monitor and measure our progress and to stay on track

Waste & litter 

  • The manufacturers of products that account for a significant share of litter waste will be responsible for the costs of collection and processing of such litter by 2023. 
  • Reduce the amount of litter entering the marine environment by 75%, by 2025. 
  • 25% less incineration of residual waste by 2030, by stepping up the separate collection of recyclable waste streams. This corresponds with a drop in the amount of residual household waste from 145 kg pp to 100 kg pp by 2030. 
  • Separate collection of waste for recycling increased to 77.5% by 2030. 

Plastics & packaging 

  • All packaging must be reusable, recyclable, compostable or biodegradable by 2025. 
  • PET bottles must contain 50% of recycled content by 2025. 
  • The sorting and recycling capacity for plastics in Flanders must be quadrupled by 2030. 
  • 70% recycling of plastic packaging waste from households and 65% recycling of industrial plastic packaging waste. 

Built environment & asbestos 

  • Obligation to obtain an asbestos attestation when selling your house from 2022 onwards. 
  • All Green Deal Circular Construction participants must have carried out a pilot project by early 2023. 
  • The riskiest asbestos applications must be removed from Flemish buildings and homes by 2034 (e.g. asbestos cement roofs and facades, non-bonded asbestos applications, etc.).

Food & biomass 

  • Separate collection of organic bio-waste and organic waste from all companies and households compulsory by the end of 2023. 
  • 85% recycling of organic waste, household and commercial organic waste and organic bio-waste by 2025 (this is not a target in itself for all green waste. It targets the recycling rate per treatment plant and thereby concerns the processing efficiency of these installations.) 
  • 30% reduction in food losses through prevention, re-use and separate collection by 2025.

Soil & space 

  • Remediation of all historically contaminated soils must start by 2036. 
  • Reduce further increases in the occupation of land to zero hectares by 2040.