Our organization

OVAM in relation to Circular Flanders

Flanders is a material and resource-intensive region. To become less dependent on imports and to lower the pressure on natural resources, it is necessary to make the transition to a circular economy. This transition thrives on a dynamic public-private partnership, called ‘Circular Flanders'.

Our organisation has been the driving force, since 2012, in facilitating the transition to a circular economy in Flanders. The public-private partnership, Circular Flanders, is currently the hub and the inspiration for the transition to a circular economy in Flanders. This multi-stakeholder partnership, embedded in OVAM, consists of governments, companies, civil society, research institutes and financial institutions, acting together to make Flanders circular by 2050.  

Under the authority of both the ministers of Environment, on the one hand, and Economy and Innovation on the other, partners’ work agendas are grouped under the following themes:  

  1. Plastics and chemicals 
  2. Circular construction 
  3. Food chain 
  4. Bioeconomy 
  5. Water 
  6. Manufacturing 

As a part of Circular Flanders, the Circular Economy Policy Research Center (CE Center) unites academics and researchers from various Flemish research institutes. The CE Center provides the scientific backbone for policy-making on circular economy in Flanders. It is co-funded by OVAM and the Department of Economy, Science and Innovation.